Friday, February 24, 2006


Most people are addicted to something, whether it is Taco Bell, alcohol or Friends. I must admit I am not addicted to any of those. (To be honest with you, I don't think I have seen a whole season of Friends in its entirety.) I will admit I have become addicted to 24 and so has Brett.

So here is how our evenings have been going:
  • Brett gets home from work around 6:30-7pm.
  • Cook, eat dinner, clean up.
  • Start watching 24 around 8pm and try to squeeze in 2 episodes.
  • Crawl into bed wanting to watch the next episode.

We have one disc left of Season 4 which we plan on watching tonight. Starting tomorrow we are going to watch all of Season 5 we have on TiVo. We didn't want to start watching it when the season began until we were all caught up. The thing is you get so tied up in the action that you don't want to stop watching. I don't know what we are going to do when we are all caught up and have to only watch 1 episode (with commercials). It is going to suck!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Never Go to Bed Angry

Whoever said never go to bed angry should get a medal. It is so true. It just makes your morning crappy and makes you feel like never getting out of the bed. What makes it worse is when you try to rectify the situation before going to sleep and the other party doesn't respond.

I can tell things weren't peachy this morning. I got my normal greetings but that was about it. No joking about me being lazy and not getting out of bed (but who wants to get out of bed at 5:30am?). And now I am sure there will be silence for much of the day.

Maybe I should have tried a little harder to "fix" the problem but I honestly didn't know something was wrong until the last minute. I gave my two cents about the situation but that didn't seem to work. Hopefully things will be fine later today.

My advice to everyone - NEVER go to bed angry no matter how small the tiff.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Signs are Here

I know the wedding is getting close because I am going to mail the invitations today. This means we are about 8 weeks for the wedding (actually 66 days). I also know it is getting close when all the little things start going wrong.

The first thing is Brett and his ring. Due to the fact that he has lost 25 pounds since Christmas his ring is now too big. Now normally this would not be a problem but since the ring is titanium and I got if through a friend we are not sure if we can exchange it for the new size. (For all those who do not know, titanium rings cannot be resized.)

The second problem is my flower girl dresses. When Chelsea's dress was ordered, they told Brett's mom that she needed to order a size 9 due to her waist or hips (I can't remember which). Being that we figured they knew what they were talking about we ordered that size. Big mistake - literally. The dress is so big that if any alterations are done to it it will be ruined. So now I get to fight with the store to get them to reorder the dress in the proper size.

Not only is Chelsea's dress too big but so is Paige's. What I am going to end up doing is giving Chelsea Paige's dress and ordering a new one for Paige. I am ready to be Bridezilla on this if I have to. I really like this dress and it is important to me and Brett that all the girls be in the wedding.

I won't even mention the bridesmaids' dresses.

Can't wait to see what is next on the list of things to go wrong.