Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Red Lobster Returns

Signs of summer are starting to appear. First the fact that it is Memorial Day weekend is a huge sign. Secondly, when my office announces the "summer hours" (which means closing at 4pm on Friday instead of 4:45pm). However the biggest sign is the sunburn that I always get no matter how much sunscreen I use.

We decided to take a break from packing and cleaning the house we have to move out of next week. The boat needed to be de-winterized and moved up to Fort Belvoir. We decided to take it up there because it is going to be so much more convenient for us. After a few minor delays (dead battery) we picked up some of our new neighbors, Chris and Katie, and took the boat out on the Potomac.

I was smart enough to make sure I had sunscreen with me. "SPF 15 should be strong enough because it isn't that sunny", I thought. I greased myself up and felt I would be fine. We brought the boat back in after a couple of hours. Once we docked, I ran to the bathroom like a crazy person. (You can only have so many beers without having to pee really bad.) I looked in the mirror and what did I see looking back, a very red face.

Now I guess I can't blame anyone but myself. I made sure to put sunscreen everywhere but on my face. But the more I think about it, even if I had put some on my face I still would have gotten burnt. It is definitely a good thing that we plan on packing and cleaning tomorrow. Today was 80 and partly cloudy; tomorrow is supposed to be 85 and mostly sunny. I wonder what would happen to me if we went out tomorrow. Might have to ponder that as I use up the rest of my Aloe!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Good with the Bad

I am getting ready to go to my parents' house for the month of June. In some ways I am looking forward to it and then in some ways I am not. I get to go back to the life I used to live but I will be away from my new life for almost a month.

The reasons behind this are simple. Brett is going to Fort Knox for the whole month of June. Our new condo was supposed to be done at the end of June so we figured I would go to Cleveland and we would save on a month of rent. Not a bad idea. In going back, I will get to spend time with my family, take my insurance exam, and get caught up at work. The big problem is that I will not see Brett for almost a month.

I should be used to not seeing him though. Our whole relationship was long distance. I guess the main difference now is that we are married. It will take a little time to adjust that he isn't there and when we get back together we will have to adjust all over again.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

New Condo Status

We are going to the condo for the pre-drywall walkthrough. It is kind of exciting because that means we are almost done and will be able to move in. Origninally we would be able to move in at the end of June but now they are telling us the end of July.

I just finished sending the mortgage company all the information need to lock into the rates for our mortgage. They ask for an awful lot of information. I think the fax I sent them was a total of 91 pages. Maybe it is that we have too many accounts and statements.

In the next week or so we should be locked into a rate and be one step closer to closing on the condo and moving in.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Blogging Help

For all those random bloggers that read my blog (along with the 2 regulars I know about), I need some blogging help. I would like to have one of those cool side bars that shows links to other blogs. How do I get one of those?

The Strangest Thing Happened

So last night Brett and I are getting ready for bed and Brett decided to check his email. He leans over to me and asks why someone who would not know me is asking him if he knows me. I look at the email and indeed someone he knows is asking if he knows me. I told him I had no idea why they would be asking that unless they were on and were doing a search for him. Honestly I cannot figure out why this person would be asking about me.

Now that I think more about it I am sort of nervous about it. How did this person link Brett and I together? And more importantly, why do they care? I am sure I will never know but it makes you wonder what information is out there about you and what people are doing with it.

I guess I will never know why this person wanted to know if Brett knew me and why she wanted to know.

Oh and by the way, if whoever you are reads random blogs ---- Yes he knows me. I am his wife!!!!