Friday, November 10, 2006


With him it was always who could one up the other. Who would be the first to be potty trained (he was), who was the first to go to school (we went at the same time), who would have a kid first (he was though he never saw him), and the list goes on.

One of my best memories of him was the night I gave him a bloody nose. Now to all of you reading this I know that is not a good memory for most but you don't understand the relationship we had. He was constantly picking on me which included poking me and making fun of me. That was just how he was. This one particular night I could't take it any longer. I went and asked my mom for permission to hit him ('cause that is the type of person I am) and his mom said go ahead. A few minutes later he was running up the stairs screaming "Kelly hit me". Aaahhh, what relief!!

As much as he annoyed me, I knew he loved me. We grew up together. It was him and me and his cousin. We were pretty much inseparable when we were put in a room together.

Things are different now. He is no longer here to annoy me. And as much as I hated it, I miss that. Then there are the other things: never seeing his son (who sometimes reminds me of him so much), being there for his mom (who is part of the "clan" that raised me), and just being him.

Happy Birthday! I miss you more than you will ever know!!