Thursday, March 09, 2006

Reunion Weekend

It looks as though I will be spending the month of June in Cleveland. Brett has to be in Fort Knox, KY for most of the month and I technically won't have a place to live for the month. Our lease is up at the end of May and our condo is not supposed to be done until the end of June. We could stay in the house but that would me that I would be packing all by myself (I don't think Pepper would be much help).

The ironic thing is there are so many things I will be able to accomplish while I am in Cleveland that I am looking forward to it. First of all, I still do not have my life insurance license. I feel I need to get this in order to progress in my career especially if I start looking for a new job after we settle into the condo. There is a weekend class the first and second weekends of June. I am hoping to take the class and also the exam before we leave on our honeymoon.

And today I got an email about Reunion weekend at Xavier University. It is planned for June 15-17. I had mentioned to Brett that maybe I would go to Cincinnati while I am in Ohio and that was when I was planning on going. I have emailed my friends that live there and suggested a weekend get-together, even if we do not go to any of the scheduled activities.

Since Brett will be busy the whole time he is at Fort Knox I figured that I might as well take advantage of the situation. Getting the license (even if I have to pay for it) and visiting some friends sounds like the way to do just that.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cleaning Service

So I have finally finished cleaning the upstairs of the house we are living in. It took me longer than I anticipated and I didn't do the one bathroom or Brett's office. So I suggested to Brett that we get a cleaning service to come in when we move and clean the house because I don't want to do it again in 3 months. Brett stated that it will be easier the next time and that we will be able to handle it (notice the we part).

I am vowing now that when we move into the BRAND NEW condo I am not going to let it get as filthy as this house got. This place has a major dust problem. We change the filters every month and they are supposed to last 3 (anyone see a problem with this?). I will make sure that a cleaning schedule is established and both of us stick to it. I think that it is only fair that since there will be no yard work to be done that the house cleaning be shared.

As for this place, we will see what we do when the time gets closer for us to move. If Brett is gone a lot, I am getting a cleaning service. I don't want to clean this house by myself.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Baseball Fever

It is that time of year again - baseball season. Well, sort of. Okay it is really only spring training but that only leads to one thing - baseball season. I cannot wait. I love going to ball games. I love to watch the game and also all the different people that go to the games.

This year I will go to my first Indians' game of the season in April. Brett and I bought a block of tickets and are having the wedding party (and a few extra guests) join us on the Thursday before the wedding. Because we did it this way, we will get our names on the scoreboard and they will even take a picture of it for us. I think I am going to frame that one once we get it. I also get 2 tickets for any game during the season. Brett and I are going to have to figure out when we will be able to go to another one.

I am sure we will go to a couple of Nationals' games this year. We went to one last year and it was fun. But it isn't like being at home and seeing the Tribe play. Nothing beats that.

I am also playing softball this Spring and Summer. I have gotten in touch with the Xavier Alumni Chapter here and they have a team. I guess last year was their first year and they were 7-7. Hopefully I won't suck too bad. I didn't play last year due to the move and I am a little rusty. Oh well. At least it will get me out and meeting more people. Hopefully I won't get hurt. Maybe I shouldn't play any games before the wedding.......

PS - I am glad I have DirecTV and TiVo. MLB Season Ticket all the way!!!