Thursday, November 10, 2005

Pain in the Heart

Today I am going to the doctor for this little pain I have been having in my chest. Ok, it isn’t little it is big (and no it is not my fiancĂ©). I have been having it for about 3 weeks and it has progressively gotten worse. It isn’t there all the time. I can go all day without it and then right before I go to bed I feel it. It is almost paralyzing.

At first Brett wasn’t too concerned. He thought it might be a spasm or something. But the more I keep having them the more concerned he is getting. I am 30 years old – I should not be having chest pains. Especially since I workout almost every day and watch what I eat.

So me being me I started to think (maybe a little too much) about what could be causing the pain. Here is what I have come up with:

Tied to my high blood pressure diagnosis

  • When I went to the doctor about 2 months ago they took my blood pressure. It read 140/100 which is high I guess. The doctor made them take it again and it was 134/100. Since the bottom number did not change, the doctor told me to go get it checked out. Guess what – I never did.


  • Maybe I have anxiety. Maybe all the worrying I have been doing about Brett’s “computer friends” has finally caught up with me. I looked up signs of anxiety online and of course I thought I had most of the symptoms. However, chest pain wasn’t one of them.

Pulled Muscle

  • Brett thinks that maybe I pulled a muscle. I don’t think that is it at all. This does not feel like a pulled muscle. It is my heart or something around it. (Though technically the heart is a muscle so maybe he is right)

Spasming Vessels

  • I could also be blood vessels that are having spasms. I have had this before but it seems to have become more frequently in the last 3 weeks.

Stayed tuned for the long procedure (I am sure) to diagnosis what is really wrong with me.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Things That Go Boom

I am sitting in my “office” trying to work and all I keep hearing (and feeling) are these big booms. I know the soldiers have to practice firing their weapons but do they have to be so loud and annoying? I am trying to work here.

Guess I have to get used to it being that I will be living by military bases for the rest of my life.

Weekend Road Trip

This weekend we are going on a road trip. I love road trips. I wish this one was under better circumstances but we will make the best out of it while we are gone.

Brett’s cousin, Peter, has been moved to The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill for some of the procedures on his arm. For all those out there that do not know, Peter is a US Marine. He was deployed to Iraq back in August or September and was caught in an attack. He had major damage to his arm which they are currently attempting to repair.

We figured since Brett has a 4 day weekend and we are the closest family to him at the moment that we would go and visit and see if there is anything he needs or wants. I also think it would make everyone at home feel a little better if Brett goes down there to check him out – being that he is an Army nurse and spent a year looking at these types of wounds back in Iraq.

We also figured this would be a good time to go and visit Kevin and his family. They moved to Pinehurst, NC since Kevin is currently based out of Fort Bragg. I have only met Kevin and his family once. They came to visit us while I was in Texas when Brett got home. They hadn’t seen each other in a while but the evening was quite tame. They had to go back to San Antonio. This time we are staying there so who knows what will happen.

I am going to attempt to put photos on here when I get back. I might have to ask my friend Nikol how to do that. I am still relatively new to this blogging thing and do not know all the fun things I can do with my pages. Wish me luck!!

Monday, November 07, 2005

Silent Secrets

This weekend I learned there are things Brett will never tell me and that bother me.  I can understand not telling me the real story while he was in Iraq.  Who would want to talk about that when you don’t have to?  But things that mean a lot to him and I would think he would want me to know the meaning behind and he states he will never reveal the reasons but just to know it means a lot to him.

What am I talking about – one of his tattoos.  On Saturday night we were hanging out at the Oasis with a bunch of our new friends and Michelle asked him about the Grim Reaper on his leg.  He told her there is a story behind it but he will never tell it to anyone but that it means something special to him.  When I asked if he would ever tell me he said no but just know that it means something special to him.  WTF!!!

On Sunday we were watching a show about soldiers and their families and dealing with Iraq.  I was asking questions as usual.  I must have said something (I forget what) and he asked if I wanted him to show me the pictures for being over there.  I stated to him that he had already shown them to me and he said not the real ones.  He is willing to show me the REAL pictures of Iraq but he won’t tell me about his tattoo?  I just don’t understand him sometimes.

There must be a reason why he won’t tell me about the tattoo.  I will admit that it bothers me just slightly that he won’t tell me but I am not going to push for it because I did that once and it caused a lot of heartache.