Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Being a Friend

Since we have moved to our new place (yes, I know I still owe everyone pictures) I have met a lot of nice people. Some are married; some are single. Some are old; others are young. All have their own personalities and stories that keep you entertained for hours.

It amazes me how a group of people can all see something regarding another's relationship and just let it be. I am not about meddling in relationships but when someone is getting hurt (in any aspect) I would think someone would help the person out.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hit and Run

Today I became a murderer. It was not intentional and it was completely by accident. Please listen to my side of the story before placing final judgment though I already admit to my guilt.

I was returning home from dropping my beloved husband off at work after doing some errands before his trip to West Virginia. I left Fort Belvoir and headed home. As I approached the I95/Route 1 split something hit my windshield (Don't worry Babe, nothing happened to the FAT). As I took a closer look, there were feathers stuck to the glass. A freakin' bird flew into the windshield.

I felt bad. I should have stopped to see if it was okay but deep down inside I knew this creature was now in a better place. The way it bounced off the windshield is the main indication that it is no longer with us.

Maybe I will only be sentenced to involuntary vehicular birdicide.