Thursday, August 24, 2006

And the Leads Start Rolling In....

I have started telling people about my "new job" and I already have 5 or 6 people willing to do parties. The fun thing is that they aren't even family (well one sort of is in that weird Serbian Kumovi sort of way). I was all nervous when my friend Nikol told me that her cousin's wife does this too. I thought she just threw the parties! There goes my natural market.

And the fact that when I asked my mom to host one to help her daughter out she wasn't all excited to do it. I had to tell her to just invite some of her friends over and I would do the rest (prepare the food, clean her house, etc.) She said she would think about it. Why to be supportive!!!

I have one party lined up in Texas (Thanks, Mare!), 3 in Virginia, 1 in Ohio, and possibly one in Illinois (my friend lives in Indiana but is from Chicago.) I think I might be able to do really well with this. Hopefully I will do well enough that it will spread like wildfire.

And the funny thing is I haven't even sent out the official - "Hey! Guess what I am doing?" email. Can't wait to see the response once I do that and put it up on my page.

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