Thursday, October 05, 2006

He Would Have Been 70 Today

Today would have been my dad's 70th birthday. That is sort of amazing especially when you look at the fact that my mom just turned 52. The even crazier part is he has been gone for 16 years. Maybe he wouldn't have made it to 70 had he listened to the doctors but he would have seen a lot more of my accomplishments.

He would have seen me graduate from the 8th grade and enter high school. He would have taught me to drive. He would have seen my first boyfriend and kicked my butt for dating the 2nd boyfriend. He would have seen me graduate from high school, college, and post graduate (since my mom and stepdad made me walk in the ceremony). And maybe he would have met Brett and walked me down the aisle along with my stepdad.

I used to have a hard time on this day. Maybe because we were so close. But now I am okay with it. I think it has to do with the fact that I am happy now and don't need my daddy to turn to and tell me that it is okay. Or the fact that he has never been there for me to turn to because he wasn't there any more.

Happy Birthday, Dad!! I love you!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kelly's dad!

Kel, I never realized he was that much older than your mom. She must have a thing for older men! I should learn by her example because the younger men just aren't cutting it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ed! Just so you know, your daughter turned out to be an awesome, bright and sensitive young woman! You would be proud of her as I am.

Kelly, I miss my Dad everyday as you do yours. And that's ok. I think we miss more what we think we could have had with them and didn't because they left too soon.

Desiree said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Kelly's dad....
I miss my grandmother, who was like my mother SOOO much MORE now. As a matter of fact, before she passed away she was working on a baby blanket for me (this was years ago), but she never got to finish crocheting the squares together. I'm gonna have it done though. Anyway, I'm writing like a book on your comment space. Sorry.