Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Escape Artists

So this morning I got up to let the dogs out at 6:30am. River is my alarm clock now (for at least the next 4 weeks). I went to lie down for 1/2 hour and then I was going to let them back in and give them breakfast. Just as I got out of bed Brett's phone rang. It was one of the neighbors down the street. He seemed to have 2 black labs in his backyard that did not belong to him. The dang dogs dug under our fence and ran down the street!!!

I am so going to have my hands full especially when Brett leaves!


Anonymous said...

Dogs are more work than babies. They will drive you nuts. I would love to get rid of Daisy if I didn't feel so guilty about it.... She is making my life difficult. I don't have time for this anymore.

Rockstar Mom said...

You will have your work cut out for you when the baby arrives. It was a balance I was never able to achieve.