Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Month's Appointment

I took Gavin to the doctor's yesterday for his one month appointment. The doctor said he was perfect. He weights 12 pounds 1 ounce and is 22-3/4 inches long. My boy is a chunker. When the doctor asked me how much he was eating and I told him (4 ounces every 3 hours) he said Wow! I told him he wasn't spitting up and he told me to keep giving him that if it is satisfying him.

Then came time for is shot. He had to get one. The nurse gave it to him and after she pulled the needle out he looked at me. 5 seconds later he let out a howl. Talk about delayed reaction. I tried not to laugh. It was really cute. He quieted down as soon as I picked him up and cuddled him. He was a little cranky last night but that is to be expected. Can't wait until the next one. He has to get like 5 or 6 shots. Thank goodness Good Grandma will be here. I can pawn him off on her!!

1 comment:

Rockstar Mom said...

Aw, he's a healthy chunkster! That's good!!