Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Hit and Run

Today I became a murderer. It was not intentional and it was completely by accident. Please listen to my side of the story before placing final judgment though I already admit to my guilt.

I was returning home from dropping my beloved husband off at work after doing some errands before his trip to West Virginia. I left Fort Belvoir and headed home. As I approached the I95/Route 1 split something hit my windshield (Don't worry Babe, nothing happened to the FAT). As I took a closer look, there were feathers stuck to the glass. A freakin' bird flew into the windshield.

I felt bad. I should have stopped to see if it was okay but deep down inside I knew this creature was now in a better place. The way it bounced off the windshield is the main indication that it is no longer with us.

Maybe I will only be sentenced to involuntary vehicular birdicide.


Anonymous said...

Aw MAN! I would have freaked out a little bit.

We missed you at slava!

Anonymous said...

We did miss you at slava! And we will miss you at the bowling tourney! I hate when I hit stuff, it gives you that sick, puke in the mouth, feeling....yuk!

Rockstar Mom said...

Good thing you didn't go back to check on the bird. If it was hurt, what could you have really done to end it's suffering? at least you have the feeling that it was "in a better place". Imagine how awful it feels when you know the animal is suffering on the side of the road.

Desiree said...

I hit a bird once in the middle of the desert, coming back from Arizona. I think he was on a suicidal mission though, there was no way I could avoid him diving in towards the window! It scared the crap out of me!