Monday, April 07, 2008

Self Image

I know I shouldn't be worrying about this since I am 30 weeks pregnant but I feel like a lard ass. At my last appointment (4 weeks ago) I was up 12 pounds but I had gained 11 in between my two appointments. I stepped on the scale this morning and it looked like I was up another 7 pounds. I am afraid to go to the doctor on Wednesday to see what I weigh. (Though I am excited to get my 3D ultrasound - we will get to see what our kid is going to look like).

My goal for once I deliver is to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight by the end of the summer. that will give me 3 months to lose whatever I have gained during the very long 40 weeks of pregnancy. I then want to lose another 10-15 after that. My ultimate goal is to drop a size (so then I can go shopping when I come home for the holidays! And oh yes, I will be home for the holidays. New Year's with adults - I can't wait!!)

Luckily the gym that we joined has free daycare so I can drop the baby off and go workout. I have to make sure I meet with the nutritionist, the trainer, and actually go to the gym at least 5 days a week. I think I am going to going to have to make a deal with myself if I do not meet the goal by 12/31. Most probably it will be a donation of some sort to a cause-worthy charity.


Anonymous said...

Oh Kelly! You have no idea how much I did not want to post those pictures because I now have proof that I AM officially a lard ass. Pregnant or not... I am getting FAT! I'm sure you look amazing, the last time I saw you, you did.19 pounds at 30 weeks is awesome! Don't even ask what I have gained, it's fightening. Good goals though, I'm with you on that one! I'm going to get back to my former body ASAP! I am evicting this baby in 19 days!

Anonymous said...

Chelsea you bust me up. That poor child is being put out on the streets so young!!!! Too funny. Kelly you are doing great. I gained 38 pounds with Dennis and by my 6 week check up I had 2 left to lose. You can do it. Trust me. I only gained 14 with Jackie!! I went home in jeans with her!!! But don't ask what happened after that.....