Saturday, June 10, 2006


I have been MIA for a while due to my crazy life and the technical difficulties at my parents' house with the internet. Yes, I am back at home for the time being while my husband is off playing soldier boy in Kentucky. (Just kidding, Babe!!)

So it is Saturday afternoon and I am on my lunch break. I have final broken down and decided to get my insurance license. I have been working in the industry for 5-1/2 years but it never seemed that important to get. Now there are all these opportunities surfacing so I thought I better do it while I had the time. Whichever Ohio legislator who thought it would be fun to make people sit in class for 40 hours before they take their test ought to be killed!!!!

Time to do a practice test. Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Rockstar Mom said...

I was a personal lines CSR for Allstate for one year. I did not like it at all. But I was told from the beginning that I would either love it or hate it.

I knew I was in trouble when the office manager brought me a book from her home titled "Personal Insurance". I thought, 'What kind of no life individual could write 12 chapters about insurance?'

Well good luck with the licensing test. People will always need insurance!