Tuesday, June 10, 2008

False Alarm

So today I mentioned to Brett I thought I might be leaking some fluid. Of course he got concerned. I told him I wasn't sure if it was fluid or discharge. Needless to say, this caused a trip to labor and delivery.

They hooked me up to all the monitors and tested me with a strip of paper sort of like litmus paper. It wasn't fluid so my bag of waters was intact. They left me all hooked up to the monitors while they waited for the on call doctor to come out of surgery.

The doctor finally came in and said everything was fine. The baby's heart rate was awesome, my blood pressure was normal, and I was 50% effaced and 3 cm dilated. Then came the question - "Do you want to to stay or go home?" I chose to go home. I am not quite ready to be a mom. I have a lot to do for work still and I am technically due on Saturday. I figured I would stick it out and see if he came on his own. If not, I will go in on Sunday as planned to have my little boy.


Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh, you're killing me! I can't believe you went home. Okay, yes I can you WORKAHOLIC! :)

Love you.

Anonymous said...

This is exciting! It is hard to believe it is here and you will be a mom soon. I'm just dying to hear the name of this little guy.

Anonymous said...

ok Kelly it is now official, you work too much!!! All this time you have been waiting for this little guy to arrive and now you want to wait!! Your killing me!!