Friday, November 18, 2005

The Klutz Strikes Again

Every one in my family knows what a klutz I am.  I think Brett is starting to learn this very quickly.  Last night I was upstairs “picking up” my office (couldn’t see the floor with all the crap I had thrown on it).  I decided to go downstairs to watch some TV.  I have been going down these steps for the last 6 months without a problem.  As I proceeded down them (in the dark, I must add), I missed one right before the landing.

Brett came to see if I was alright and checked it out.  He helped me down the steps to the couch where I elevated it.  When it was time to go upstairs to bed, he followed me up.  As soon as I took my sock off he said it was swollen and black and blue.  He asked me if I iced it.  Hello – you were sitting next to me downstairs.  Did you see me ice it?  No.  My response was the nurse didn’t tell me to.  He said he figured after all the falls I had taken in my life I would know to ice it.

I feel like I am marrying my mother.  She is a nurse and when it came to one of us getting hurt she basically told us to shake it off.  It took her a week to get my nose check when I broke it the first time (and then I had to have surgery to reset the darn thing).  So now I am limping around on a bum foot and have been told I am not allowed to go down the stairs without turning the lights on!

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