Monday, November 07, 2005

Silent Secrets

This weekend I learned there are things Brett will never tell me and that bother me.  I can understand not telling me the real story while he was in Iraq.  Who would want to talk about that when you don’t have to?  But things that mean a lot to him and I would think he would want me to know the meaning behind and he states he will never reveal the reasons but just to know it means a lot to him.

What am I talking about – one of his tattoos.  On Saturday night we were hanging out at the Oasis with a bunch of our new friends and Michelle asked him about the Grim Reaper on his leg.  He told her there is a story behind it but he will never tell it to anyone but that it means something special to him.  When I asked if he would ever tell me he said no but just know that it means something special to him.  WTF!!!

On Sunday we were watching a show about soldiers and their families and dealing with Iraq.  I was asking questions as usual.  I must have said something (I forget what) and he asked if I wanted him to show me the pictures for being over there.  I stated to him that he had already shown them to me and he said not the real ones.  He is willing to show me the REAL pictures of Iraq but he won’t tell me about his tattoo?  I just don’t understand him sometimes.

There must be a reason why he won’t tell me about the tattoo.  I will admit that it bothers me just slightly that he won’t tell me but I am not going to push for it because I did that once and it caused a lot of heartache.

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