Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Continuous Education

So today I went with Brett to a meeting with a Diabetic Educator. What a waste of time for the both of us. I know it will look good in Brett's medical records that he went but the fact is neither one of us learned a thing. Everything she told us is stuff that we had pretty much figured out on our own and the questions Brett did have she couldn't answer because they were about the effects on his career.

I am sorry but I think if you are going to have an educator in a military setting like this they should at least know the answers that active soldiers are going to ask. Sure they are going to ask medical questions but they are also going to ask how this is going to affect there careers.

Now we have to go to a 4 session class. I pointed out that the person we met with on a 1 to 1 was going to be doing most of the lecturing in these classes. Hopefully she will have more useful information in these classess than she did when we met with her.

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