Sunday, January 01, 2006

A New Year, A New Life

So it is now 2006. I always try to make a bunch of New Year's resolutions and keep them. I rarely ever keep them. However this year I have no choice to keep the resolution that everyone makes - exercise, eat right, and loose weight.

Brett has been officially diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. The doctor was going to put him on medication right away but Brett convinced him to allow him to try diet and exercise to bring the sugar levels down. He has 2 months to do this. As of this morning, he as gotten it down to 120-130. This is still a little high but much better than 370 like it was on Tuesday. Because of this diagnosis we will be changing everything about our lifestyle - eating, drinking, exercise, etc. Hence why it will be slightly easier for me to keep this resolution.

Now for the ones I know that I will not be able to keep but am going to make anyways:

1. Write a blog every day (even if I don't have anything to write about).
2. Stop spending money on things I don't need.
3. Pay off all credit card debit.
4. Find a new job.

I am sure there are many more that I could make but I am going to keep it really simple for now. I don't want to overwhelm myself.

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